Wire Rope Slings and Strops

Wire Rope Sling
Wire Ropes & Slings
Key Features
Comprehensive range from stock
Up to 100t safe working load
Manufactured to customer requirements
Scaffold lashings
Wide range of end fittings available
A large range of SWL available
Available in steel or fibre core
Single an multi leg options
Crane Ropes Supplied and Fitted
Data sheets
Click the link to the Chain Load Chart below for an A4 size copy in PDF format.
Wire Rope Sling Working Load Limit Chart For Fibre and Steel Cored Rope
We supply other makes of chain systems and can repair, service and test all makes in our workshop.

Wire rope slings Made to Order

Crane Ropes

Working Load Limits For Fibre Core Wire Rope Slings
EN 13414-1 Table 3 - Working load limits for slings using fibre cored rope of classes 6x19, 6x36 and 8x36 and having ferrule-secured eye terminations

Working Load Limits For Steel Core Wire Rope Slings
EN 13414-1 Table 4 - Working load limits for slings using steel cored rope of classes 6x19, 6x36 and 8x36 and having ferrule-secured eye terminations