Water Bag Proof Load Test

20 Tonne Proof Load Test Rig

Chain Sling Undergoing Examination Before Being Put to Use

Lifting Beam Proof Test Using Calibrated Jacking System
Testing & Inspection
We are able to undertake all types of lifting equipment inspections and testing, both on site and in our workshop. Our services include but are not limited to:
Proof Load Testing
Our workshops are equipped with a variety of lifting and pulling test rigs, all calibrated to NAMAS standards and allowing us to test in house up to 100 tonnes.
We are able to test and certify lifting beams, cranes, machine lugs, lifting machines, materials handling equipment etc.
In house testing of brackets, lifting devices and all types of lifting equipment.
On Site Testing
We carry large stocks of test weights in all weights, shapes and sizes. These can be used individually or in conjunction with lifting cradles, baskets and load indicators enabling us to carry out proof load testing both on site and in house.
- Sale & Hire of Test Equipment
- Supply of weights & load cells up to 200t
- Cradles supplied complete with slings & shackles.
- Water bags in many sizes also available.
Please contact our sales staff for further information on our range of services or to discuss your individual needs.

On Site Proof Load Test

Dynamic Test Rig